Serialized Form

  • Package ntnu.team1.backend

    • Class ntnu.team1.backend.MainRegister extends Object implements Serializable

      • Serialized Fields

        • categories
          HashMap<Integer,​Category> categories
          HashMap used for storing categories, ID used as key
        • categoryIdCount
          int categoryIdCount
          Count of categories in HashMap
        • taskIdCount
          int taskIdCount
          Count of tasks in ArrayList
        • tasks
          ArrayList<Task> tasks
          ArrayList used for storing tasks
  • Package ntnu.team1.backend.exceptions

  • Package ntnu.team1.backend.objects

    • Class ntnu.team1.backend.objects.Category extends Object implements Serializable

      • Serialized Fields

        • b
          double b
          Blue value
        • g
          double g
          Green value
        • ID
          int ID
          Id for the category
        • name
          String name
          Name of the category
        • r
          double r
          Red value
        • serialVersionUID
          long serialVersionUID
          Id used for storing
    • Class ntnu.team1.backend.objects.Task extends Object implements Serializable

      • Serialized Fields

        • categoryId
          int categoryId
          Category id ascoiacted with the task
        • description
          String description
          Description of the task
        • endDate
          LocalDate endDate
          End date of the task
        • hasCategory
          boolean hasCategory
          Indicates if the task has category
        • ID
          int ID
          Id for the task
        • isDone
          boolean isDone
          Indicates if the task is done
        • name
          String name
          Name of the task
        • priority
          int priority
          Priority of the task
        • serialVersionUID
          long serialVersionUID
          Id for storing the task
        • startDate
          LocalDate startDate
          Start date of the task