All Classes
JavaFX App, this is the main class of the application.
A class that represents a category
Implements serializable to be able to store the data
Class for constructing and showing the different category dialogs
Extends Dialog
Enumarator for the class
Class that is used for displaying the categories
Launcher class, its purpose is to launch the entire program
Class that handles the main view of the application
This is is the main register of the application
It keeps track of all categories in a HashMap
and tasks in an ArrayList
The Mainregister also allows for adding tasks and adding categories to the register
It also handles saving and reading from file, it also sorts the registers
Class used to read the register from a file
Class used for modifying the register
Exception class, called when something cant be removed
Class used for displaying tasks by catgeory
Class for a lot of static methods used multiple times
A class that represents a main task
Inherits from the abstract super class Task
Class used for creating dialogs for adding or editing Tasks
Enumarator for class
Class used for displaying the tasks througfh a tableView
Class for writing the register to a file